Vienna Symphonic Library VSL – CHAMBER STRINGS II
The sequel to Chamber Strings I offers all-new articulations and sonic subtleties for the small string ensembles. Chamber Strings II contains many of the playing techniques in the first Collection, but played “con sordino” (with mutes). They lend themselves well to soft, intimate arrangements, and provide nuanced variations to your orchestral palette.
The Chamber Strings II collection offers various facets of short and sustained notes, crescendos and diminuendos, but also includes our unique Interval Performances, including legato, portamento, and trill performances. All of the recorded samples were performed by an accomplished ensemble of string players who have been lending their talents and their international experience to the Vienna Symphonic Library for years. This collection reflects their mastery over their instruments, bringing the art of chamber music alive in your personal studio.
Chamber Violins con sordino (6 Players) Articulation group Standard Library Extended Library 31 Sordino SHORT + LONG NOTES - Staccato, short détaché, sustained with vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
- Détaché, sustained without vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
32 Sordino DYNAMICS - Fortepiano, sforzato
- Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
- Crescendo-diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 sec.
- Sforzatissimo
33 Sordino TREMOLO - Tremolo sustained, normal and with attack automation
- Tremolo sustained, optimized for legato
34 Sordino PIZZ - Pizzicato
40 Sordino PERF INTERVAL - Legato with vibrato
- Portamento
- Legato without vibrato
- Spiccato
42 Sordino PERF TRILL - Performance Trills, minor 2nd to 4th
43 Sordino PERF REPETITION - Repetition performances, legato and portato
- Repetition performances, spiccato
44 Sordino FAST REPETITION - Fast repetitions, 16ths at 150 to 190 BPM
Chamber Violas con sordino (4 Players) Articulation group Standard Library Extended Library 31 Sordino SHORT + LONG NOTES - Staccato, short détaché, sustained with vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
- Détaché, sustained without vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
32 Sordino DYNAMICS - Fortepiano, sforzato
- Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
- Crescendo-diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 sec.
- Sforzatissimo
33 Sordino TREMOLO - Tremolo sustained, normal and with attack automation
- Tremolo sustained, optimized for legato
34 Sordino PIZZ - Pizzicato
40 Sordino PERF INTERVAL - Legato with vibrato
- Portamento
- Legato without vibrato
- Spiccato
42 Sordino PERF TRILL - Performance Trills, minor 2nd to 4th
43 Sordino PERF REPETITION - Repetition performances, legato and portato
- Repetition performances, spiccato
44 Sordino FAST REPETITION - Fast repetitions, 16ths at 150 to 190 BPM
Chamber Cellos con sordino (3 Players) Articulation group Standard Library Extended Library 31 Sordino SHORT + LONG NOTES - Staccato, short détaché, sustained with vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
- Détaché, sustained without vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
32 Sordino DYNAMICS - Fortepiano, sforzato
- Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
- Crescendo-diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 sec.
- Sforzatissimo
33 Sordino TREMOLO - Tremolo sustained, normal and with attack automation
- Tremolo sustained, optimized for legato
34 Sordino PIZZ - Pizzicato
40 Sordino PERF INTERVAL - Legato with vibrato
- Portamento
- Legato without vibrato
- Spiccato
42 Sordino PERF TRILL - Performance Trills, minor 2nd to major 3rd
43 Sordino PERF REPETITION - Repetition performances, legato and portato
- Repetition performances, spiccato
44 Sordino FAST REPETITION - Fast repetitions, 16ths at 150 to 190 BPM
Chamber Basses con sordino (2 Players) Articulation group Standard Library Extended Library 31 Sordino SHORT + LONG NOTES - Staccato, short détaché, sustained with vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
- Détaché, sustained without vibrato (normal and with attack automation)
32 Sordino DYNAMICS - Fortepiano, sforzato
- Medium crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 sec.
- Crescendo-diminuendo, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 sec.
- Sforzatissimo
33 Sordino TREMOLO - Tremolo sustained, normal and with attack automation
- Tremolo sustained, optimized for legato
34 Sordino PIZZ - Pizzicato
40 Sordino PERF INTERVAL - Legato with vibrato
- Portamento
- Legato without vibrato
- Spiccato
42 Sordino PERF TRILL - Performance Trills, minor to major 2nd
43 Sordino PERF REPETITION - Repetition performances, legato and portato
- Repetition performances, spiccato
44 Sordino FAST REPETITION - Fast repetitions, 16ths at 150 to 190 BPM
Standard Library Full Library Sample Amount 13,245 30,405 Download File Size 6.2 GB 6.2 GB Installed File Size 11.4 GB 11.4 GB -
- PC Windows 7 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit), Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
- Mac OS X 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core 2 Duo
- 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
- VIENNA KEY (Vienna Symphonic Library USB protection device) or other USB eLicenser (e.g., from Steinberg or Arturia)
- 11.4 GB free hard drive space
Other configurations may work but are not actively supported.
- Windows 7 (latest Service Pack, 64-bit), Intel i5/i7/Xeon
- Mac OS X 10.9 (latest update), i5/i7/Xeon
- 4 GB RAM
- SSD or fast separate hard drive (7200 rpm or faster)
- AU/VST/AAX Native/RTAS compatible host (also works stand-alone)
- RTAS version requires Pro Tools 7.3 or higher
- AAX version requires Pro Tools 10.3.5 or higher
- 88 key master keyboard
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