ISP Technologies Empyrean Pedal (Micheal Sweet Signature)
Designed in collaboration with renowned guitarist Michael Sweet, the new EMPYREAN pedal is voiced and feature designed to deliver the texture of tones that Michael demands for Clean, Crunch, Distortion and Extreme Gain.
This new Michael Sweet signature pedal includes a separate Clean Channel with Gain, Bass, Swept Midrange with boost/cut Level, and Midrange frequency Sweep from 300 to 3KHz, Treble and Output Level.
The Distortion Channel includes Distortion Gain, Pre-Distortion switchable high pass at 300Hz, Post-Distortion switchable Low Pass at 3KHz, Adjustable Volume Boost 1-10db, Bass, Swept Midrange with boost/cut Level and Midrange frequency Sweep from 300 to 3KHz, Treble and Output Level, providing maximum Distortion tone shaping to satisfy even the most demanding player. For those who want the ultimate Gain, switch on the Clean Preamp in front of the Distortion preamp for over-the-top gain exceeding 160db. Another incredible feature included is Dynamic Saturation Modulation, which emulates the spongy modulated dynamics of a full throttle tube amplifier with a vintage tube rectifier power section. Â
The pedal also features the Decimator G with newly patented Decimator X technology, providing the smoothest adaptive response tracking possible along with an absolutely quite performance with even extreme gain settings. There is also an effects loop to insert your favorite effects processor.
The EMPYREAN preamp pedal is a true professional guitar Preamplifier with an internal +/-15 volt power supply providing more than 3 times the headroom of a typical 9 volt pedal. Â This amount of headroom is required for proper tone shaping and a higher level of performance not possible with a standard 9 volt power supply.